Author Archives: Ian Dunn
Best Good Practices
Setting up WordPress Multisite with SSL on DreamHost
Guest on Hallway Chats
MySQL Fails to Start After `brew upgrade` from Version 5.7 to 8.0
Automatically Run Tests While Solving Exercises
Moving a Theme Between Theme Roots
WordPress allows you to have multiple theme directories, but moving themes from one to another may result in a fatal error. It's possible to fix that by updating a few options and clearing a transient.
Stop Breaking the Web
Reading Stop Breaking the Web by Nicolás Bevacqua's feels like a breath of fresh air.
He writes about how several common practices in the JavaScript community have led to poor user experiences, and violated some of the fundamental principles that made the Web what is today...
Dropping QuickTime Recording from Stereo to Mono
List of Ideographic Countries
I needed a list of countries where ideographic languages are common, but couldn't find a pre-made one. I was able to build one myself, though, which will hopefully save others from having to do the same.
Recording Skype and a Mic on Separate Tracks in GarageBand
Exposing Custom Post Type Meta for Only a Single API Endpoint
exposes meta fields in all REST API endpoints, which can lead to privacy leaks. To avoid that, it can be called conditionally. `WP_Widget::form()` returns a value
method isn't returning a value? Restoring Lost Commits After a Failed `git svn dcommit`
git svn dcommit
fails, it'll appear as if your local commit have been lost, but there's a way to recover them. How Open Source Can Mitigate the Harms of Employer Copyright Claims
Accessing Post Meta and More Via $post->meta_key
It turns out there's a much better way to fetch post meta than get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'foo', true )
: $post->foo