Michael Botsko has a good writeup on cloning and pushing updates to shared GitHub repositories, as opposed to the traditional method of forking a repository.
Using Constants for a Text Domain in WordPress
Normally any kind of global values that don’t change within a program’s execution should be defined as constants, but text domains within internationalized WordPress plugins are an exception to that rule. Mark Jaquith explains why it’s important to use a string instead.
WordPress Developer’s Meetup Presentation on Child Themes
I’ll be giving a presentation on building Child Themes at the Seattle WordPress Developer’s Meetup tomorrow. You can follow along with the presentation if you plan on attending.
BackPress PHP Library
BackPress is a useful project that packages the re-usable code from WordPress into an independent library you can use in non-WordPress projects.
Composite Primary Keys
Success in Business
Here’s a great quote from Jeff Atwood’s post on why he decided to step back from Stack Exchange:
I finally realized that success at the cost of my children is not success. It is failure.