Preventing a Tragedy of the Commons

Dries Buytaert wrote a compelling article on the challenges that large open source projects like Drupal and WordPress face in seeking to be sustainable, and preventing a tragedy of the commons, where large corporations use open source software without giving back.

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The Social Dynamics of Open-Source Contributions

Diaries of a Core Maintainer #6: A Tale of Two Developers makes some insightful points about different approaches towards contributing to open source projects, and how collaboration and social dynamics can play a big role in whether or not the contributions are accepted. It’s written by a Drupal dev, but I’ve seen the same things […]

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Comparing WordPress, Drupal and Joomla in 2011

Ok, so it’s already 2012, but I just came across an article comparing the three from last year and it was a good read. Like a lot of articles, though, the real value is in the comments more than the article itself. Going into it I had the impression that Joomla was a stagnant mess, but […]

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