Why Hash-bang URLs are Bad

WebMonkey has a good article explaining why hash-bang URLS are a bad idea.  If you’re not familiar with them, they have  #! symbols at the beginning of the path, e.g. http://twitter.com/#!/username. They rely entirely on JavaScript to parse and therefore make the site inaccessible to browsers without  JavaScript (or those with it turned off by the user), assistive technologies […]

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My First Shot at Adaptive Images

One of the first problems you run into when trying to build an adaptive layout is that images, unlike blocks of text, have fixed widths. Ideally we want to use small images on small screens and full sized ones on larger screens. The browser can resize the image on the fly, but the two problems […]

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Unit Testing WordPress Plugins

Nikolay Bachiyski gave a good talk at this year’s WordCamp San Francisco about unit testing WordPress plugins. His method uses PHPUnit, which is an additional PEAR package you have to install on the server. You can then use MockPress to simulate WordPress in the tests. Another option is the SimpleTest for WordPress plugin, which uses SimpleTest […]

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The Internet Was Built on Open Principles

“The Web evolved into a powerful, ubiquitous tool because it was built on egalitarian principles… If we want to track what government is doing, see what companies are doing, understand the true state of the planet, find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, not to mention easily share our photos with our friends, we the public, the […]

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Conditionally Loading JavaScript and CSS in WordPress Plugins

Update 1/2/2013: As of WordPress 3.3, it’s now possible to call wp_enqueue_script() directly inside a shortcode callback, and the JavaScript file will be called within the document’s footer. That’s technically possible for CSS files as well, but should be considered a bad practice because outputting CSS outside the <head> tag violates W3C specs, can case FOUC, and may […]

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What Really Makes a Password Strong?

Bob Yexley turned me on to passphrases a few years ago when he linked to what became a seminal article on the topic by Robert Hensing. The argument is that passphrases — random words strung together to form a phrase, e.g., monkey stars hatchback questioning — are both more secure and easier to remember than what are […]

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Body Classes Instead of Conditional Stylesheets

I’m thinking I should create a, ‘Duh, why didn’t I think of that?’ category for this. Instead of using conditional stylesheets or CSS hacks to fix Internet Explorer’s obnoxious lack of support for standards, you can conditionally set a class on the html or body tag and target that in your normal stylesheet. This is better for […]

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