TED Radio Hour has a great episode about the pre-technology roots of the ideas behind today’s Open Source movement, and how they’re being applied beyond the digital realm, to things like architecture, deep-sea rovers, and even democracy itself.
Pagination UX Fails
Pagination is one of my biggest pet peeves, and Avoid the Pains of Pagination does a good job of explaining the primary reason: Users have better experiences with scrolling than clicking. The mouse wheels, touchpads and touchscreens of today make scrolling faster and easier than clicking. To get to the next page in a pagination, the user has […]
The Web We Lost
The Web We Lost does a great job of contrasting the values of today’s big tech companies and the values that made the Internet and Web so radically different from the mediums it replaced. The tech industry and its press have treated the rise of billion-scale social networks and ubiquitous smartphone apps as an unadulterated […]
Quick Navigation Interface
I just pushed a new plugin to the WordPress.org repository that lets you quickly navigate around wp-admin using just the keyboard, similar to Dash/HUD in Ubuntu or Spotlight in OS X:
Update: Version 0.2 is out now, and it’ll also include your posts, pages, and other content types in the results.
Challenging Your WordPress Assumptions from 2009
Nacin gave a great talk at php[world] dispelling a lot of the myths about WordPress that still exist in the developer community.
Flushing Rewrite Rules on All Sites in a Multisite Network
TL;DR: Loop through all sites and delete_option( 'rewrite_rules' ). Don’t call flush_rewrite_rules(). Full example. Every once in awhile I’ll run into a situation where something will break permalinks on all the sites in a WordPress Multisite network, like a plugin network-activation gone wrong. On a single site, it’s easy enough to fix by manually visiting Settings > […]
Why Websites Get Hacked
Why Websites get Hacked is a good high-level article to sends to clients or friends who don’t understand why someone would want to attack their site — and therefore doesn’t see the need to protect it — or are curious about how it happens.