Mapki has a detailed list of URL parameters for Google Maps. Setting daddr is useful when you want to create a link for a user to get directions. You can also control the zoom level, type of map (normal, satellite, terrain, etc), overlay information and lots of other things.
CMSMS Skeleton Module
Skeleton is a CMS Made Simple module you can use as the base for writing a new module. It has all the basic code in place already.
Convert Filenames to Lowercase on Linux
If you transfer files from a Windows server to a Linux one, you may get some broken links because Linux is case-sensative while Windows isn’t. You can rename all the files on the Linux server to their lowercase equivalents with this shell script from Linux Journal. #!/bin/sh # lowerit # convert all file names in […]
Blogging as Narcissism
WordPress’s creator, Matt Mullenweg, expresses my sentiments on blogging exactly: “I used to think constantly about building an audience for my blog but now my attitude is that if I’m not blogging for myself it’s not worth it. I don’t force myself to post once a day, I just do it when it feels natural. Sometimes people […]
Tracking Project Hours/Deadlines
Lately I’ve been trying to work out a good process for quoting projects and tracking the billable hours and deadlines. I’ve had a couple large projects go over budget/deadline, and I think two of the main reasons are that I wasn’t realistic enough in the quote, and that I just wasn’t being intentional about monitoring […]
Lightbox Clones
The Lightbox Clones Matrix is a list of scripts that do inline popups, ala Lightbox. You can filter by JavaScript frameworks and features.
Using overflow to Clear Floated Elements
If you have an element whose children are all floated, it won’t have any height to it. I’ve always just put an extra <div style=”clear: both;”> at the bottom of the container to force it to clear, but it looks like there’s been a much better way for a few years now. Alex Walker points […]