Author Archives: Ian Dunn
Progressive Enhancement with Backbone.js
Is TDD Dead?
Is TDD Dead? is an insightful debate about the merits of test-driven development, and the pitfalls of following it dogmatically.
My favorite quote, from part 5: “Most people cannot just leave good ideas the fuck alone.”
Walled Gardens
Jeff Atwood makes a compelling argument that the ideology and values behind private social networks (e.g., Facebook) conflict with the core values of the Internet, and that they’re doomed to fail.
Preventing Clickjacking on WordPress Sites Developer Presentation Roundup
PayPal Security Sucks; or, Why Two Factor Authentication is Worthless Without Strong Account Recovery Policies
Challenges for the WordPress Community as it Matures
Automatically Refresh Browser When CSS Changes
LiveReload is an app that will watch files on your local development environment and automatically update the browser when CSS changes are made. I can’t believe I didn’t hear about this years ago.
Hide PHP Warnings and Notices from Poorly Written Plugins
The Values Behind Startup Culture
What Your Culture Really Says is a compelling peak behind the startup culture curtain.
This is not a critique of the practices themselves, which often contribute value to an organization. This is to show a contrast between the much deeper, systemic cultural problems that are rampant in our startups and the materialistic trappings that can disguise them.
Making Xdebug Pretty Not Ugly
WordCamp Seattle Call for Speakers
We just posted the Call for Speakers for WordCamp Seattle 2014. If you’ve got some knowledge or experience you’d like to share with the WordPress community in Seattle, check it out.
WordCamp Dayton 2014 Slides
I’ll be speaking at WordCamp Dayton 2014 this Saturday about best practices for customizing WordPress plugins. If you’re attending and would like to follow along, you can check out the slides.
Sexual Harassment at WordCamps
It’s really disheartening to read stories like this coming out of the WordPress community, but kudos to Sarah for speaking out about it. We all need to be more aware of these issues and look for ways to prevent things like this from happening in the future.
The Right Way to Customize a WordPress Plugin
The Importance of Taking Time Off Work
Seth Bannon’s article on taking vacations is a great reminder of how important it is to take time off, and that you should never feel guilty for it. I didn’t take enough time off last year, even though I could have, so I’m going to try and plan out some more time in advance this year.
The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming
The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming are very insightful, and worth revisiting from time to time.
New RSS Feed for WordCamp Announcements now has an RSS feed that announces when new WordCamps are scheduled.