Monthly Archives: March 2011
The Correct Way to Roll Cables
How to Find a Twitter User’s RSS Feed
Reserved WordPress URL Parameters
Using a reserved WordPress URL parameter (like “year” or “m”) on the front end will cause a 404 error.
Directory Permissions for WordPress under Plesk/Linux
Jason Diehl describes the right way to setup directory permissions on a Linux box running Plesk so that WordPress can automatically create the directories it uses to store uploads. Basically, you need to make sure that PHP’s safe mode is turned off and that wp-content is owned by apache, in the apache group, and chmod’d to 777.
Overwrite Uploads Plugin
I just checked a new plugin called Overwrite Uploads into the repository. It gives users the option to overwrite existing files when uploading rather than WordPress’ default behavior, which is to add a 1 to the end of the filename, e.g., filename1.jpg.
WordPress Plugin and Theme Security
Body Classes Instead of Conditional Stylesheets
Light and Clean CSS Message Box Styles
Here are a couple examples of good colors to use for clean CSS message boxes: